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All Titles for ADD Conference 2000
Understanding All Sides of the ADD Puzzle

Audiotapes.com is proud to present the following recordings from ADD Conference 2000, which was sponsored by ADDIEN -- ADD Information Exchange Network. All titles were recorded 5/12/2000 at Ann Arbor, MI USA.

1. Acupressure and ADD
      by Cindy Briolat

      Our Price:  $10.00     Product Code: ADD-00-29

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2. ADD and Substance Abuse
      by Robert Hunt

      Our Price:  $10.00     Product Code: ADD-00-31

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3. ADD and the Family
      by Kate Kelly

      Our Price:  $10.00     Product Code: ADD-00-19

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4. ADD Coach for the Spouse
      by Kate Kelly

      Our Price:  $10.00     Product Code: ADD-00-5

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5. Adult ADD: Not Exactly the Midas Touch
      by Stephen Copps

      Our Price:  $10.00     Product Code: ADD-00-6

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6. Attention Deficit Disorder: Myth, Mystery, and Misconception
      by Stephen Copps

      Our Price:  $10.00     Product Code: ADD-00-GS1

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7. Chaos in the Kitchen
      by Kate Kelly

      Our Price:  $10.00     Product Code: ADD-00-26

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8. Chaos into Order: Ten Steps to a Clutter Free Lifestyle
      by Cindy Glovinsky

      Our Price:  $10.00     Product Code: ADD-00-24

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9. Check up from the Neck Up: Ensuring Your Mental Health in The New Millennium
      by Joan Andrews

      Our Price:  $10.00     Product Code: ADD-00-GS4

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10. Clinical Aspects of AD/HD, TS, Bipolar, OCD and Spectrum Disorders
      by David Comings

      Our Price:  $10.00     Product Code: ADD-00-16

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11. Community Correction Starts with Assessment
      by Nancy Riley

      Our Price:  $10.00     Product Code: ADD-00-15

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12. Dance of Chaos, Dance of Order: Understanding Clutter and ADD
      by Cindy Glovinsky

      Our Price:  $10.00     Product Code: ADD-00-18

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13. Examine Your Learning Style Through Your 7 Intelligences
      by Jan Perzanowski

      Our Price:  $10.00     Product Code: ADD-00-13

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14. Help Your Brain Learn: Successful Brain-Based Motivation
      by Jan Perzanowsi

      Our Price:  $10.00     Product Code: ADD-00-3

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15. I’ve Been Diagnosed with ADD, Now What Do I Do?
      by Linda Riley

      Our Price:  $10.00     Product Code: ADD-00-14

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16. Kaleidoscope: Many Co-related Issues of ADD
      by Joan Andrews

      Our Price:  $10.00     Product Code: ADD-00-2

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17. Making Your Own Success - Strengthening the Bond Making Your Own Success - Strengthening the Bond
      by Kathleen Kelly

      Our Price:  $10.00     Product Code: ADD-00-10

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18. Medications for ADD: Myth, Mystery, and Misconception
      by Stephen Copps

      Our Price:  $10.00     Product Code: ADD-00-25

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19. Memory and Study Skills
      by Joan Andrews

      Our Price:  $10.00     Product Code: ADD-00-17

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20. Neuro-Psychological Assessment of Children: Early Identification of Attention and Learning Problems
      by Roger Lauer

      Our Price:  $10.00     Product Code: ADD-00-8

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21. Personality Effects and Psychotherapy
      by Robert Hunt

      Our Price:  $10.00     Product Code: ADD-00-21

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22. Psychological Interventions to Improve Social Skills (Clinician-Oriented Presentation)
      by Michele Novotni

      Our Price:  $10.00     Product Code: ADD-00-4

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23. Relationships That Work: Mating and Relating with ADD
      by Joan Andrews

      Our Price:  $10.00     Product Code: ADD-00-23

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24. Slam Dunk: ADD and Depression
      by Laurie Assadi

      Our Price:  $10.00     Product Code: ADD-00-12

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25. Songs of the Soul
      by Michele Novotni

      Our Price:  $10.00     Product Code: ADD-00-33

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26. Spousal Relationships
      by Ed and Linda Barniskis

      Our Price:  $10.00     Product Code: ADD-00-28

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27. The Couples Dialogue: A Communication Tool Which Restores the Connection
      by Kathleen Kelly

      Our Price:  $10.00     Product Code: ADD-00-32

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28. The Gene Bomb
      by David Comings

      Our Price:  $10.00     Product Code: ADD-00-22

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29. Treatment of AD/HD, Rage and Bipolar Disorder
      by David Comings

      Our Price:  $10.00     Product Code: ADD-00-30

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30. Understanding Behaviors Which Compromise Relationships Understanding Behaviors Which Compromise Relationships
      by Kathleen D. Kelly

      Our Price:  $10.00     Product Code: ADD-00-20

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31. Update on Medications
      by Robert Hunt

      Our Price:  $10.00     Product Code: ADD-00-11

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32. Walking on Water: Spiritual Strength, Calms ADD’s Storm
      by William Donahue

      Our Price:  $10.00     Product Code: ADD-00-27

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33. What Does Everybody Else Know That I Don’t?
      by Michele Novotni

      Our Price:  $10.00     Product Code: ADD-00-GS2

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34. Who’s on First? Living and Loving with ADD
      by Laurie Assadi

      Our Price:  $10.00     Product Code: ADD-00-7

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35. Workplace Issues: Disclosure or Not? Accommodations, Cover-up, or Relocate Making Your Own Success - Strengthening the Bond
      by Ed and Linda Barniskis

      Our Price:  $10.00     Product Code: ADD-00-9

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