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All Titles for Creative and Destructive Forces in Group: Impact for the Millennium
1999 Group Psychotherapy Annual Meeting

Audiotapes.com is proud to present the following recordings from Creative and Destructive Forces in Group: Impact for the Millennium, which was sponsored by American Group Psychotherapy Association. All titles were recorded 2/22/1999 .

1. A Cognitive Group Therapy Approach for Sexual Dysfunction
      by Joseph Kobos

      Our Price:  $11.00     Product Code: PAM210

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2. A Systems - Centered Method Approach for Transforming Destructive Forces Into Creative Energy
      by David Hawkins

      Our Price:  $22.00     Product Code: PAM308

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3. Beyond the Boundaries: Mutuality and Mentoring in Women's Groups
      by Josephine Cunningham

      Our Price:  $44.00     Product Code: PAM2ABCD

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4. Contemporary Relational Psychologies and their Impact on Group Therapy
      by Elaine Cooper Lonergan

      Our Price:  $22.00     Product Code: PAM302

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5. Countertransference and Sexual Identity: Gay Lesbian, Bisexual and Heterosexual Perspectives
      by Joel Frost

      Our Price:  $22.00     Product Code: PAM315

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6. Countertransferential Challenges: Opportunities for Mutual Psychological Growth
      by Howard Markus

      Our Price:  $22.00     Product Code: PAM304

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7. Current Research in Group Psychotherapy
      by Sally Barlow

      Our Price:  $11.00     Product Code: PAM202

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8. Current Research in Group Psychotherapy
      by Sally Barlow

      Our Price:  $11.00     Product Code: PAM205

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9. Dreams, Fantasies, Art, and Imaginative Process in the Group
      by Bruce Bernstein

      Our Price:  $22.00     Product Code: PAM307

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10. Fostering Regression: Leader Takes Center Stage
      by Stewart Aledort

      Our Price:  $44.00     Product Code: PAM1ABCD

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11. GPF Public Event "Taking Charge of Mental Health in the Millennium"
      by Jean Campbell

      Our Price:  $11.00     Product Code: PAMGS1

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12. Group Psychotherapy of Dually - Diagnosed Adolescents
      by David Brook

      Our Price:  $22.00     Product Code: PAM306

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13. Group Therapy in the Schools: Programs & Models
      by John Price

      Our Price:  $11.00     Product Code: PAM209

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14. Institute Opening Plenary
      by Pearl Rosenberg

      Our Price:  $11.00     Product Code: PAMPS1

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15. Introducing Group Psychotherapists to the Internet
      by Sara Emerson

      Our Price:  $22.00     Product Code: PAM310

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16. Living with One's Enemies: Ongoing International Hostilities
      by Fern Cramer Azima

      Our Price:  $22.00     Product Code: PAM309

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17. Master's Circle: How to Intervene: Models of Group Leadership
      by Leonard Horwitz

      Our Price:  $11.00     Product Code: PAM204

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18. Mentoring and Women: A Partnership For Success
      by Frances Bonds-White

      Our Price:  $22.00     Product Code: PAM303

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19. Multi-Family Support Group For Relatives in a Day Hospital Program
      by Mary Wagner

      Our Price:  $11.00     Product Code: PAM207

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20. New Approaches to Helping Couples Change
      by Ian Alger

      Our Price:  $22.00     Product Code: PAM318

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21. Personal Identity and Diversity: Creative and Destructive Forces
      by Isaiah Zimmerman

      Our Price:  $22.00     Product Code: PAM312

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22. Plenary Session "Deconstruction and Reconstruction in a Postmodern World"
      by Kenneth Gergen

      Our Price:  $11.00     Product Code: PAMPS2

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23. Psychopharmacology of Depression
      by Aaron Fink

      Our Price:  $11.00     Product Code: PAM208

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24. Psychopharmacology Update: Adult Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
      by Aaron Fink

      Our Price:  $11.00     Product Code: PAM206

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25. Shifting the Paradigm: Group Psychotherapy for Medically Ill Patients and Other Special Populations
      by Patricia Doherty

      Our Price:  $22.00     Product Code: PAM317

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26. SR Slavson Memorial Lecture "The Future of the Group: Containing and Transforming Destructive Processes"
      by Morris Nitsun

      Our Price:  $11.00     Product Code: PAMGS2

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27. Sustaining Motivation and Creativity as a Group Therapist
      by Marian Yeager

      Our Price:  $22.00     Product Code: PAM313

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28. The Group Supervision of Groups: Contrasting Methods
      by Harold Bernard

      Our Price:  $22.00     Product Code: PAM301

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29. The Promise of Group Therapy: Using Video as a Teaching Method
      by Vivian Nelson

      Our Price:  $22.00     Product Code: PAM305

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30. The Prudence of Moderation for Problem Drinkers: Opposing Perspectives Revisited
      by Samuel James

      Our Price:  $22.00     Product Code: PAM314

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31. Treating Professionals: A Model of Intensive Group Work
      by Stephen Saeks

      Our Price:  $22.00     Product Code: PAM311

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32. Two Theories, Two Techniques, A Demonstration
      by Gil Spielberg

      Our Price:  $22.00     Product Code: PAM316

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33. War Stories or Psychotherapy? Story Telling and the Life Review in Group Therapy with Older Trauma Survivors
      by Victor Molinari

      Our Price:  $11.00     Product Code: PAM203

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