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All Titles for International Coach Federation Annual International Conference
Representing and Supporting Excellence in Professional Coaching Worldwide

Audiotapes.com is proud to present the following recordings from International Coach Federation Annual International Conference, which was sponsored by International Coach Federation. All titles were recorded 11/13/2003 at Denver, CO USA.

1. A Coaching Symphony: Masters from Around the Globe Demonstrate the Shared Music of Coaching
      by Peter Szabo


      Our Price:  $11.00     Product Code: ICF03-BM6

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2. A Complete Set Of All The Conference Tapes With Storage Albums

      Our Price:  $539.00     Product Code: ICF03-ALL

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3. A Complete Set of Recordings on a CDROM

      Our Price:  $195.00     Product Code: ICF03-CDROM

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4. A Complete Set of Recordings on a DVD

      Our Price:  $195.00     Product Code: ICF03-DVD

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5. A Venture Capital Coaching Approach
      by Fran LaMattina


      Our Price:  $11.00     Product Code: ICF03-SB4

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6. Balancing Fun, Fulfillment, and Finances: Coaching Job and Career Satisfaction
      by Marcia Bench


      Our Price:  $11.00     Product Code: ICF03-SC3

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7. Becoming a Corporate Sage: The Wisdom of the Globalist
      by Susan J. Bethanis


      Our Price:  $11.00     Product Code: ICF03-EC2

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8. Benchmarking Excellence: Waltz Your Way Elegantly to Long-Term Coaching Contracts
      by Carollyne Conlinn


      Our Price:  $11.00     Product Code: ICF03-OC1

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9. Build It and They Will Come: How the IRS Came to Have Internal Coaches
      by Cynthia Taylor


      Our Price:  $11.00     Product Code: ICF03-OC4

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10. Can You Hear Me Now? Stand Out, Get Heard, and Get Hired
      by Jan Austin


      Our Price:  $11.00     Product Code: ICF03-SB1

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11. Co-Creation the AD/HD Coaching Partnership: Educating, Energizing, Energizing and Empowering Excellence
      by Linda Anderson


      Our Price:  $22.00     Product Code: ICF03-SC5AB

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12. Coaching Across Cultures: Boosting Coaching's Creativity and Impact
      by Philippe Rosinski


      Our Price:  $11.00     Product Code: ICF03-EC4

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13. Coaching in the Non-Profit Sector-A Hand Up Coaching: Coaching Women from Poverty to Prosperity!
      by Jille Bartolome


      Our Price:  $11.00     Product Code: ICF03-SC4

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14. Coaching on Purpose: Tools for Self-Discovery and Personal Breakthrough
      by Alan Seale


      Our Price:  $11.00     Product Code: ICF03-LC2

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15. Coaching Parents and Teens as a Business Niche: An Emerging Market
      by Diana Haskins


      Our Price:  $11.00     Product Code: ICF03-SC7

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16. Coaching the At-Choice Workforce in a World of Free Agency
      by Cyndi Callouri


      Our Price:  $11.00     Product Code: ICF03-EC6

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17. Coaching the Small Business Leader on Letting Go to Promote Employee Motivation
      by Michele Prevoneau


      Our Price:  $11.00     Product Code: ICF03-SB7

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18. Coaching to Your Clients: "Signature Strengths": How to Communicate with Clients for the Greatest Positive Impact
      by Ben Dean


      Our Price:  $11.00     Product Code: ICF03-LC1

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19. Coaching World-Class Leaders
      by Steve Robbins


      Our Price:  $11.00     Product Code: ICF03-EC7

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20. Cognitive Coaching
      by Jean Hurd


      Our Price:  $11.00     Product Code: ICF03-CRS-1D

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21. Confessions of a Workaholic
      by Karen Wright


      Our Price:  $11.00     Product Code: ICF03-EC3

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22. Conflict Coaching: The Cinergy Method
      by Cinnie Noble


      Our Price:  $11.00     Product Code: ICF03-SC2

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23. Conversations about research: Insights, issues and challenges
      by Ada L. Gonzalez

      Our Price:  $11.00     Product Code: ICF03-CRS-1B

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24. Create a Six-Figure Practice in Record Breaking Time : How to Turn Your Coaching Practice into a Profitable Playground
      by Jim Bunch


      Our Price:  $22.00     Product Code: ICF03-PC1AB

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25. Creating Coaching Websites That Grab Attention
      by Karyn Greenstreet


      Our Price:  $11.00     Product Code: ICF03-SB2

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26. Credible Executive Coaches Actually Doing Executive Coaching
      by Linda Miller


      Our Price:  $22.00     Product Code: ICF03-EC5AB

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27. Dream Coaching-Results Even for a Down Economy
      by Marcia Wieder


      Our Price:  $22.00     Product Code: ICF03-LC7AB

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28. Dynamic Relationship Coaching: Models for Clarifying and Enhancing Relationship Development
      by Laurie Weiss


      Our Price:  $11.00     Product Code: ICF03-SC6

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29. Effective Group Coaching as a Compelling Business Solution
      by Scott Wintrip


      Our Price:  $11.00     Product Code: ICF03-SB3

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30. Embracing the Dragon: Igniting Your Passion
      by Marcia Reynolds


      Our Price:  $11.00     Product Code: ICF03-BM2

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31. Excellent Is Not An Accident
      by Michael Stratford


      Our Price:  $22.00     Product Code: ICF03-LC5AB

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32. Executive Coaching Project
      by Steve Lew


      Our Price:  $11.00     Product Code: ICF03-CRS-1E

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33. First ICF Coaching Research Symposium (All 6 Tapes)

      Our Price:  $66.00     Product Code: ICF03-CRS-1ABCDEF

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34. Get on the Publishing Fast Track: How to Avoid the Slush Pile and Make Your Book a Reality
      by Suzanne Falter-Barnes


      Our Price:  $22.00     Product Code: ICF03-PC2AB

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35. Group Coaching Demo of Successful Business Women
      by Ginger Cockerham


      Our Price:  $11.00     Product Code: ICF03-OC2

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36. Harvesting a Leadership Culture through Coaching: A Public Sector Model of Excellence
      by Annette Hurley


      Our Price:  $11.00     Product Code: ICF03-0C6

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37. How can research help me?
      by Richard Zackon

      Our Price:  $11.00     Product Code: ICF03-CRS-1F

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38. Inside Out/Upside Down: A Multi-Sensory Exploration of Your Creativity
      by David Matthew Prior


      Our Price:  $11.00     Product Code: ICF03-BM1

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39. Introducing Coaching in a Corporation: The Team Angle
      by Florence Plessier


      Our Price:  $11.00     Product Code: ICF03-OC3

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40. It's Like Herding Cats: Coaching Entrepreneurs in Sales & Marketing
      by C.J. Hayden


      Our Price:  $11.00     Product Code: ICF03-SB6

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41. Leadershift: What Leaders Need to Know to Survive and Thrive in the New Landscape of Leadership
      by Alyssa Freas


      Our Price:  $11.00     Product Code: ICF03-EC1

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42. Models of Excellence: What Coaching Research Shows
      by Mary Wayne Bush


      Our Price:  $11.00     Product Code: ICF03-OC7

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43. Package Your Excellent Creating & Leveraging Workshops to Expand Your Business
      by Laura Howard


      Our Price:  $11.00     Product Code: ICF03-LC3

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44. Raising the Standards for Small Business Coaching
      by John Seiffer


      Our Price:  $22.00     Product Code: ICF03-SB5AB

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45. Retirement Coaching: Learn to Coach the 10,000 People Who Retire Every Day
      by Joanne Waldman


      Our Price:  $11.00     Product Code: ICF03-SC1

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46. The Art of Puz-ability
      by Ken Abrams


      Our Price:  $11.00     Product Code: ICF03-LC6

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47. The Elephant in the Room: Recognizing and Addressing Therapeutic Issues in the Coaching Relationship
      by Lynn Meinke


      Our Price:  $11.00     Product Code: ICF03-LC4

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48. The Future of Globalism: Today's Patterns Creating Tomorrow's World
      by Thomas Frey


      Our Price:  $11.00     Product Code: ICF03-BM3

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49. Welcome and Keynote Presentation
      by Anthony M. Grant


      Our Price:  $11.00     Product Code: ICF03-CRS-1A

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50. What Works and What Doesn't: Transforming Lessons for Excellent Internal Coaching
      by Jane Creswell


      Our Price:  $22.00     Product Code: ICF03-OC5AB

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51. Wilkins Coaching Theory
      by Brenda M. Wilkins


      Our Price:  $11.00     Product Code: ICF03-CRS-1C

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