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All Titles for 1999 Annual Conference
The Fall Festival of Genealogy

Audiotapes.com is proud to present the following recordings from 1999 Annual Conference, which was sponsored by Dallas Genealogical Society. All titles were recorded 10/16/1999 at Dallas, TX USA.

1. Church and Denominational Newspaper Research
      by Paula Parke

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FFGS999

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2. Court Records from a Paralegal's View
      by Patricia Haynes

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FFGS1499

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3. Creative Ways to Tell Your Ancestor's Story
      by Jean Ann Ables-Flatt

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FFGS2499

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4. Early American Migration Routes
      by Don Raney

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FFGS1599

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5. Finding the Cemetary, Finding the Grave
      by Pat Hatcher, Barbara Baylis

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FFGS499

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6. Focus on the Stone-Post 1800
      by Pat Hatcher, Barbara Baylis

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FFGS1699

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7. Focus on the Stone-Pre 1800
      by Pat Hatcher, Barbara Baylis

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FFGS1099

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8. Genealogy Collection of Dallas Public Library
      by Lloyd Bockstruck

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FFGS199

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9. Genealogy Research using Periodicals and PERSI
      by Carole Ruska

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FFGS2199

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10. Getting the Most out of Deed Research
      by Joseph Anderson

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FFGS899

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11. Hot Damn, It's True! Proof by Analysis
      by Alvin Harper

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FFGS2399

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12. How to Organize Information from the Internet
      by Barbara Dossett

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FFGS1899

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13. Idiosyncrasies of the Marriage Register
      by Mic Barnette

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FFGS299

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14. Mysteries of Death Certificates Revealed
      by Mic Barnette

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FFGS2099

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15. Names, Names, Names
      by Lloyd Bockstruck

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FFGS1999

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16. Recording Tombstone Information
      by Pat Hatcher, Barbara Baylis

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FFGS2299

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17. Remember the Ladies
      by Patricia Haynes

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FFGS1199

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18. So, You Think Southern Research is Impossible
      by Jane Power

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FFGS599

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19. Software for 1999-2000
      by Helen Wilson

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FFGS1299

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20. Treasures Hiding in the Supplemental Censuses
      by Barbara Dossett

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FFGS399

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21. Using Lineage Worksheets for SURE Documentation
      by Jane Power

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FFGS699

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22. Virginia and North Carolina to South Carolina and Georgia
      by Lloyd Bockstruck

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FFGS1399

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23. Virginia and North Carolina to Tennessee
      by Lloyd Bockstruck

      Our Price:  $8.50     Product Code: FFGS799

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