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Lactation and Breast Feeding Recordings Sorted by Speaker

We have 1187 titles in this category. The first 20 titles are listed below in alphabetical order by the speaker's last name. Use the controls at the bottom of the page to see the next set of titles.

1121. Lactation Research: A 20-year retrospective
      Karen Wambach / Recorded 7/8/2005 at 2005 Conference & Annual Meeting
      Our Price: $8.50      Product Code: ILCACGS10

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1122. Translating research into clinical practice
      Karen Wambaugh, Illana Chertok / Recorded 7/21/2010 at 2010 International Lactation Consultants
      Our Price: $10.00      Product Code: ILCA10-WK1D-mp3

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1123. Translating research into clinical practice
      Karen Wambaugh, Illana Chertok / Recorded 7/21/2010 at 2010 International Lactation Consultants
      Our Price: $10.00      Product Code: ILCA10-WK1D-CD

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1124. Translating research into clinical practice
      Karen Wambaugh, Illana Chertok / Recorded 7/21/2010 at 2010 International Lactation Consultants
      Our Price: $15.00      Product Code: ILCA10-WK1D-w/ppt

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1125. Predictable Developmental Passages in a Lactation Consultant’s Professional Life
      Nicki Ward, BSN, IBCLC / Recorded 8/23/2008 at 2008 International Lactation Consultant Association and United States Lactation Consultant Association
      Our Price: $10.00      Product Code: ILCA08-B5-mp3

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1126. Predictable Developmental Passages in a Lactation Consultant’s Professional Life
      Nicki Ward, BSN, IBCLC / Recorded 8/23/2008 at 2008 International Lactation Consultant Association and United States Lactation Consultant Association
      Our Price: $10.50      Product Code: ILCA08-B5-CD

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1127. Codependency: A "Forgotten" Pitfall for Lactation Consultants
      Nicki Ward, BSN, IBCLC / Recorded 8/15/2007 at 2007 International Lactation Consultants
      Our Price: $10.50      Product Code: ILCA07-ST-4D-CD

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1128. Hyperlactation Syndrome: Overactive Letdown and Excell Milk Supply
      NICKI WARD / Recorded 8/9/1997 at Breastfeeding: An Investment in Tomorrow
      Our Price: $8.00      Product Code: BITNL204

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1129. Track 2: Add To Your Bag of Tricks: Breastfeeding Techniques for Less Common Situations: Overactive Letdown and the Fussy Baby (Video)
      Nicki Ward / Recorded 7/27/2000 at 15th Anniversary Conference
      Our Price: $20.00      Product Code: ILCA00PC2B

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1130. Breastfeeding Triage Situations and Solutions - Part 2
      KATHY WARMBIER / Recorded 6/19/1998 at Second Annual North American Conference
      Our Price: $8.00      Product Code: NAC98B4

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1131. Breastfeeding Triage Situations and Solutions - Part 1
      KATHY WARMBIER / Recorded 6/19/1998 at Second Annual North American Conference
      Our Price: $8.00      Product Code: NAC98A4

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1132. Breastfeeding Triage Situations and Solutions - Part I
      KATHY WARMBIER / Recorded 6/19/1998 at Second Annual North American Conference
      Our Price: $8.00      Product Code: SANAC98A4

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1133. Breastfeeding Triage Situations and Solutions - Part 2
      KATHY WARMBIER / Recorded 6/19/1998 at Second Annual North American Conference
      Our Price: $8.00      Product Code: SANAC98B4

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1134. Health Consequences Associated with Artificial Infant Feeding
      BERNIE WEBSTER / Recorded 8/9/1997 at Breastfeeding: An Investment in Tomorrow
      Our Price: $8.00      Product Code: BITNL201

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1135. The Role of Prolactin in the Treatment of Lactation Insufficiency
      Corrine Welt, MD; Maureen Allen, RN, IBCLC; Anne Merewood, MS, IBCLC / Recorded 8/15/2007 at 2007 International Lactation Consultants
      Our Price: $10.50      Product Code: ILCA07-ST-2A-CD

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1136. The Role of Prolactin in the Treatment of Lactation Insufficiency
      Corrine Welt, MD; Maureen Allen, RN, IBCLC; Anne Merewood, MS, IBCLC / Recorded 8/15/2007 at 2007 International Lactation Consultants
      Our Price: $22.00      Product Code: ILCA07-ST-2A-DVD

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1137. Breastfeeding After Cosmetic Breast Surgery: Augmentation, Reduction, Lift
      Diana West, BA, IBCLC / Recorded 8/15/2007 at 2007 International Lactation Consultants
      Our Price: $20.00      Product Code: ILCA07-A2-AB-CD

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1138. Breastfeeding After Cosmetic Breast Surgery: Augmentation, Reduction, Lift
      Diana West, BA, IBCLC / Recorded 8/15/2007 at 2007 International Lactation Consultants
      Our Price: $22.00      Product Code: ILCA07-A2-DVD

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1139. Surprising Causes of Low Milk Production
      Diana West, BA, IBCLC / Recorded 8/23/2008 at 2008 International Lactation Consultant Association and United States Lactation Consultant Association
      Our Price: $10.50      Product Code: ILCA08-D1-CD

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1140. Surprising Causes of Low Milk Production
      Diana West, BA, IBCLC / Recorded 8/23/2008 at 2008 International Lactation Consultant Association and United States Lactation Consultant Association
      Our Price: $22.00      Product Code: ILCA-D1-DVD

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