We have 6984 titles in this category. The first 20 titles are listed below in alphabetical order by the speaker's last name. Use the controls at the bottom of the page to see the next set of titles.
286. Roman Catholic Records Father Charles Banet / Recorded at From the Audiotapes.com Vault Our Price: $8.50 Product Code: ROS-06
287. French Research Father Charles Banet / Recorded at From the Audiotapes.com Vault Our Price: $8.50 Product Code: ROS-22
288. UNITED STATES CHURCH RECORDS: ROMAN CATHOLIC REVEREND CHARLES BANET / Recorded 1/1/1986 at National Genealogical Society 6th Annual Conference Our Price: $8.50 Product Code: COO-55
289. NEW ENGLAND TOWN RECORDS: SCITUATE JEREMY BANGS / Recorded 7/1/1995 at 150 Years -Sesquicentennial Conference -"Exploring Our Heritage" Our Price: $8.50 Product Code: NE-62