We have 6984 titles in this category. The first 20 titles are listed below in alphabetical order by the speaker's last name. Use the controls at the bottom of the page to see the next set of titles.
5541. Louisiana's Revolutionary Patriots ELIZABETH WHITMAN SCHMIDT / Recorded 9/3/1997 at Unlock Your Heritage Our Price: $8.50 Product Code: FGDS113
5542. Enhancing Your Research Using CDs BLAINE SCHMIDT / Recorded 1/23/1998 at Developing the Partnership Genealogy and Technology Our Price: $8.50 Product Code: DPGT-F698
5543. Scanning for Genealogists Blaine William Schmidt / Recorded 8/11/1999 at Meet Me In St. Louis -- The people of America Our Price: $8.50 Product Code: FGSSLS136
5544. Flash! I've Captured Those Ancestors on Film! Blaine William Schmidt / Recorded 8/11/1999 at Meet Me In St. Louis -- The people of America Our Price: $8.50 Product Code: FGSSLT69
5545. Genealogy CDs: What's Available? Jennifer Schmidt / Recorded 2/2/2001 at GenTech 2001 Our Price: $8.50 Product Code: GTI-S39
5546. Cemetery Indexing Software for Genealogists Blaine and Jennifer Schmidt / Recorded 1/25/1997 at Technology in Genealogy Conference Our Price: $8.50 Product Code: 97-S-25
5547. How to Use a Genealogy BBS (Beginner) Blaine and Jennifer Schmidt / Recorded 1/25/1997 at Technology in Genealogy Conference Our Price: $8.50 Product Code: 97-F-06
5549. Wisconsin on the Web Jennifer Schmidt / Recorded 10/23/1998 at Wisconsin Sesquicentennial Family History Conference Our Price: $8.50 Product Code: WSFWGS48
5550. Computers and Genealogy: From A to Z Jennifer Schmidt / Recorded 10/23/1998 at Wisconsin Sesquicentennial Family History Conference Our Price: $8.50 Product Code: WSFWGS36
5553. New England Genealogy on CD-ROM Jennifer A. Schmidt / Recorded 5/31/2000 at 2000 NGS Conference in the States New England Our Price: $8.50 Product Code: 00NGS-W37
5554. Rhode Island Genealogy on the Web Jennifer A. Schmidt / Recorded 5/31/2000 at 2000 NGS Conference in the States New England Our Price: $8.50 Product Code: 00NGS-F176
5555. HOW TO USE A GENEALOGY BBS BLAINE AND JENNIFER SCHMIDT / Recorded 5/7/1997 at Pennsylvania Cradle of a Nation Our Price: $8.50 Product Code: VFP-F121