Attention Deficit Disorder Recordings Sorted by Speaker
We have 809 titles in this category. The first 20 titles are listed below in alphabetical order by the speaker's last name. Use the controls at the bottom of the page to see the next set of titles.
461. ADD AND THE LAW Patricia Latham / Recorded at ADD Bringing the Pieces Together Our Price: $10.00 Product Code: AAADD-5-G
462. ADD In The Workplace Patricia Latham / Recorded 5/7/1999 at ADD Conference 1999 Our Price: $10.00 Product Code: WBF38
467. ADD and the Law P. LATHAM / Recorded 5/15/1998 at Adult ADD Conference 1998 Our Price: $10.00 Product Code: ADDCM9845
468. Succeeding in the Work Place with ADD PATRICIA H. LATHAM / Recorded 5/18/1995 at Bringing the Pieces Together Our Price: $10.00 Product Code: ADMI-F5A
469. ADD & THE LAW Patricia Latham / Recorded 9/26/1997 at ADD Conference Our Price: $10.00 Product Code: ADDOH-736
470. ADD IN THE WORKPLACE Patricia Latham / Recorded 9/26/1997 at ADD Conference Our Price: $10.00 Product Code: ADDOH-753
471. ADD and the College Student PAT & PETER LATHAM / Recorded 4/21/1995 at Meeting the Challenge - Living the adventure Our Price: $20.00 Product Code: AMIN-W5AB