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Attention Deficit Disorder Recordings Sorted by Speaker

We have 809 titles in this category. The first 20 titles are listed below in alphabetical order by the speaker's last name. Use the controls at the bottom of the page to see the next set of titles.

741. A Private Family Physician's Approach to ADD from Ages Six to Fifty-Six
      MICHAEL SZYMANSKI / Recorded 5/15/1993 at The Changing world of Adults with ADD
      Our Price: $10.00      Product Code: AMTOH-13

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      James H. Tolhuizen / Recorded 9/26/1997 at ADD Across the Lifespan
      Our Price: $10.00      Product Code: ADDG-97WK5

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743. Life Management 101
      LOE TONKIN / Recorded 5/18/1995 at Bringing the Pieces Together
      Our Price: $10.00      Product Code: ADMI-F4F

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744. Getting Up Again – Fostering Hope & Resiliency
      Ken Traen / Recorded 7/1/2008 at 13th National ADDA Conference
      Our Price: $11.00      Product Code: B08-32-CD

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745. Getting Up Again – Fostering Hope & Resiliency
      Ken Traen / Recorded 7/1/2008 at 13th National ADDA Conference
      Our Price: $12.00      Product Code: B08-32-mp3

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746. Help! I'm Married to Someone with AD/HD
      Susan Tschudi / Recorded 7/1/2008 at 13th National ADDA Conference
      Our Price: $11.00      Product Code: B08-4-CD

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747. Help! I'm Married to Someone with AD/HD
      Susan Tschudi / Recorded 7/1/2008 at 13th National ADDA Conference
      Our Price: $12.00      Product Code: B08-4mp3

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748. AD/HD is an Explanation, Not an Excuse
      Ari Tuckman, Ph.D / Recorded 7/1/2008 at 13th National ADDA Conference
      Our Price: $12.00      Product Code: B08-10-mp3

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749. AD/HD is an Explanation, Not an Excuse
      Ari Tuckman, Ph.D / Recorded 7/1/2008 at 13th National ADDA Conference
      Our Price: $11.00      Product Code: B08-10-CD

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750. Positive Prognosis for Educational and Occupational Success for Adults
      JAY TURNER / Recorded 2/10/1995 at Ages and Stages
      Our Price: $10.00      Product Code: AGSTX-D-14

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751. ADHD and Comorbid Anxiety Disorders
      Angela Tzelepis / Recorded 9/22/2000 at Coming Out of the Darkness
      Our Price: $10.00      Product Code: IAHB-00-8

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752. ADHD and Personality Disorders
      Angela Tzelepis / Recorded 9/22/2000 at Coming Out of the Darkness
      Our Price: $10.00      Product Code: IAHB-00-2

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753. Teaching Methodologies Used in Second Language Acquisition for Students with Learning Disabilities
      Nicole Ugel / Recorded 9/11/1997 at A Matter of Style
      Our Price: $10.00      Product Code: ABCA-F-13

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754. Portrait of AD/HD
      Annick Vincent / Recorded 7/1/2008 at 13th National ADDA Conference
      Our Price: $12.00      Product Code: SS-3-mp3

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755. Portrait of AD/HD
      Annick Vincent / Recorded 7/1/2008 at 13th National ADDA Conference
      Our Price: $11.00      Product Code: SS-23CD

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756. General Session - Closing Address "The Impact of LD/ADD on Employment: What have we learned?"
      Susan A. Vogel / Recorded 9/11/1997 at A Matter of Style
      Our Price: $10.00      Product Code: ABCA-GS-2

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757. How to Conduct a Follow-Up Study: Avoiding the Potholes
      Susan A. Vogel / Recorded 9/11/1997 at A Matter of Style
      Our Price: $10.00      Product Code: ABCA-F-19

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758. What Every Needs to Know About Conducting Telephone Interviews, But Didn't Know to Ask
      Susan A. Vogel / Recorded 9/11/1997 at A Matter of Style
      Our Price: $10.00      Product Code: ABCA-S-14

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759. Succeed in a FLASH
      Linda Walker / Recorded 7/1/2008 at 13th National ADDA Conference
      Our Price: $12.00      Product Code: B08-12-mp3

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760. Three Secret Weapons Let You Win the War Against Procrastination
      Linda Walker / Recorded 7/1/2008 at 13th National ADDA Conference
      Our Price: $12.00      Product Code: B08-41-mp3

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